Look who’s back….back again….Chad is back….tell a friend!

Ok….soooooo…it’s only been five years since I got back on my blog…so much has changed in my life I don’t know where to begin….I still have my business…only with a new name…new partner…but same quality service…or dare I say better!…new wife…new family…….
It’s been a wild hectic ride the last three years…through divorce….a personal bankruptcy….new blended family….a revamped business…do I need to explain any further my disappearance?….but like the phoenix I have risen from the ashes and became anew…not sure where I’m headed next…so in the meantime…if you want to see the changes to my business take a closer look here…we’ve really added a lot of new stuff !
I will commit to posting more ( once again!) and keep this newly revamped blog alive…notice the changes I’ve made and feel free to comment on the changes or make suggestions or even badmouth it! Just let me know what you think! PLEASE!! I don’t get offended easily so let ‘er rip!
Also this blog isn’t going to be just about cleaning anymore… you’re going to see more political, pop, etc. everyday news type blogging on here as well…I have to admit..I’ve become a little bored with cleaning and judging from the lack of posting and questions over the last five years…no one else is real interested in it either..
So kick back….open a cold one and let’s talk!…..about whatever! But let’s keep it G rated folks! No reason for profanity or potty mouth on here…we’re all adults…so let’s act like it!…Have a great weekend! Check back often!


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